mercredi 6 juin 2007

The new town and the new family

Toulouse is different. There are more cool people and less freaks. More pretty boys, less Günthers with hairstyles from the 80's. Less friends than in Annecy.
And there is a new family, with a mère and a père and two small vietnamese girls. The girls are pretty and speak fast in french and love computer-games and cereals. The mother is normal and the dad is quite strange. He refuses to talk in french with his girls because he thinks it's the language of occupation power. Instead, he talks in occitan (languge spoken by a minority of french people in certain parts of France). He's also learnt catalan (langugage spoken by a minority in Spain, mostly in Barcelona) but not spanish. He's got long hair and listens to Alice Cooper. He is a cross between a nutty professor and a middle-aged hippie. Everytime you ask him something, you get a one-hour speech as answer.
But I settled in ok although my routines have changed a bit. Instead of sleeping/going to early morning class I get up at 8.00, brush the girls hairs, give them breakfast and remind them a hundred times to brush their teeth (great for practising the subjunctive, I probably use the phrase: "Il faut que tu..." more than anything). Instead of going to Finn Kelly's/ staying in and hang with Minke, I read them a story and sing (!) until they are asleep. Instead of talking and reading in english, I talk and read in french.
And in one week, I go back to Sweden. That is so weird.

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