jeudi 7 juin 2007

The late night fairytale

The little one is begging me. "Haina, je peux te maquiller?" I try to escape, as politely as possible. A little later perhaps... But she won't give in. She is seven years old and very determined. And she really can't understand why someone wouldn't want to walk around with sparkling glitter and pink lipstick all over her face at one o'clock in the afternoon.
Yesterday it was 35 degrees outside. Family and moi went away by car in the afternoon to a nearby village. We arrived back pretty late.
The little one starts in the car."Haina, tu peux me raconter une histoire?" I promise her to do it later, in the house. When not the whole family is listening. She holds on to my promise, even when everyone else is sleeping at 24.30 in the night. So I sit down on the floor next to her bed using the big teddybear as a cushion and start telling her the story about La petite fille que ne pouvait pas dormir. "Pourquoi", she whispers. "Parce-que... elle avait peur de l'obscurité". I continue with telling her about the little troll who visits the girl who can't sleep and who promises to give her La plus belle rève if she falls asleep.
And la petite fille next to me closes her eyes and in 15 minutes she is asleep.
End of story

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