mercredi 16 avril 2008

15 minutes Darfur

15 minutes. That is what we have to:
a. explain a conflict which has developed basically since the the end of colonisation
b. explain what has been done to solve the conflict.
c. explain what should be done to solve the conflict.
d. use the words context, discourse and conflict triangle as many times as possible.
I often get angry when I read the course literature. Not because the authors are boring and dry and all say the same things in different words and in as many words as possible (because they get payed per word), but because they are trying, so desperately to make Conflict analysis to something it's not: Sience.
Well, here's some news for y'all: it's not.
And it doesn't matter how many times you theorize about theories and use difficult, important words and mention Hobbes and Kant. Underneath it all, you are just a bold, boring, pointless academic freak who wears a sweaty old cashmere cardigan that smells old cheese. And the only thing that could legitimize your whole existence is to have the word sience put in somewhere in your working title. You are not particularly interested in solving any conflict. What you are interested in, is formulating another theory about a theory that needs to be theorized. And if the theory gets published somewhere important, maybe no one will notice you smell like an old cheese.

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