dimanche 21 octobre 2007

The I told you so

The sad part is that I'm not even surprised.
But I thought it was going to turn out differently, when he approached me and said hi with that ironic ghetto style handshake, to mark out how close we were.
But it didn't, so I spent the rest of the evening being wonderfully bitchy to the freak from Slöinge who misstook it for something else.

After spending a good part of the weekend with a massive hungover, I'm now going to continue my state of bitchyness and mark every single text that my classmates made for the seminar with small red commentaries. And I will bring em' all down on Tuesday. I will make them wish they were never born and I won't stop until they're all on the floor.

Bad grammar makes me more upset than anything in the world (Marilyn Manson)

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