dimanche 22 avril 2007

The table dancing- preparty

Sometimes actions speak louder than words.
At one point, our neighbour actually knocked on the door. Since I was the closest to the door (unfortunately also the drunkest) I FOCUSED, thought for a while about the best to open a door and, here it comes, opened. All I remember saying was "Oui, biensur. Pardon".
Biking to the park was also harder than it seemed. So was walking. But I actually managed to, and sat down in the grass without as much as stumbling. I was so impressed by myself. So were the others. Bendik actually went as far as complemementing my walking skills.
"Well done", he said.

2 commentaires:

Sof a dit…

Att dansa på ett bord är fasligt mycket roligare än på ett golv.

H a dit…

Visst är det! Tyvärr tyckte inte grannen det. Ursäkta om jag är ovanligt seg med att svara på kommentarer. Ska bli bättre, lovar...