lundi 19 mars 2007

The rainy day that turned into snow

Ok, was just out for a run and it started of a little chilly, then the rain began dripping, then more rain and just like that, it started snowing. Yeah. Just when you started to get used to the sun; bought cute shorts, sunlotion and shaved your legs it strikes back. Reminds me of this swedish proverb, which I am unable to translate (well I could, but it would sound relly weird): "Nej, sa roligt ska vi inte ha".

Anyways, Rachel turned up today at 10.00 o'clock this morning with dark rings under the eyes, looking like she just spent the weekend in Dublin, celebrating St Patricks. She came home yesterday but literally went straight to the pub ("Dude, I needed a pint of beer"). Apparently she ended up in an IRA bar on the day of celebration. "So I told my friend Bess, we have to leave now, and she's just like: No, don't wanna leave, its nice here and I'm like: Honey, trust me, we have to leave. And i knew I couldn't explain to her why, cause she would just go: Rachel, who's the IRA"?

1 commentaire:

Tris a dit…

Wow Haina
Snow in Annecy, I'm sooo jalous !!! Wish I was there ! Enjoy it and say hi to everybody ! Miss you guys !

ps: my frisbee team is winning in the belgian championship, won all the games this weekend, but next weekend will be harder ;) two difficult teams a head, I'll keep you posted !