jeudi 21 août 2008

The importance of routines

I never thought I would say this, but I need routines. I really do. Wich is why I'm actually thrilled to be back in Malmö, working and preparing for school. I wish I could say I was joking, but I'm not. I do find myself quite disgusting. Who knew I had a Kajsa Kavat in me? I hate Kajsa Kavat. There's nothing hot or cool with Kajsa Kavat. No one wants to be friends with Kajsa Kavat.
But let's be fair. Routines are not the only only things that light up the day. Having breakfast with some of your favourite people at Blekingsborgsgatan can also help.
Plus, I would never match my red headband with my shoes.

lundi 18 août 2008

Home briefly, away again soon

A magical festival happens, a long lost american friend arrives and stays the week wich unfortunately ends with earinflammation and after Rach leaves I go back home to be ompysslad by the parents. I spend two rather händelselösa dagar at home, eating penicillin, feeling a little dizzy and then I decide to start taking care of things. CSN, arbetsmarknadsgruppen and potential engagemang in Amnesty seems to be good ideas. Go to library and get another Agatha Christie to read seems even better.
In the meantime other nice things remain to be celebrated. Parents 25th wedding anniversary tonight is one of them. Although it must actually be more like 30 years since that's when we met, says mum. Det trettioåriga kriget, says dad.

mardi 5 août 2008