In case you didn't know, me and Rach visited Nicki in Glasgow over the weekend. Here's the uncut version.
The day we arrived
Nicki picks us up at the airport and drives us directly to her flat wich is situated in the centre of Glasgow. It's light, modern and cozy and we embrace it from the bottom of our hearts. The buidling used to be a hotel and still looks a bit like it + it has roomservice!
After chilling, chatting and eating, we move out to the West end, a relly nice area with loads of cafes, pubs and bars. End up in a scottish pub with a guy singing Simon and Garfunkel way to loud.
Day 2
To profit on the good wether we decide to visit Loch Lomond, one of Scottlands biggest lakes, with a lot of nature around it. We end up stuck in the middle of a big fucking grassfield with no where to escape but to take of our shoes and cross two rivers. As we finally find our way back, we meet a 70-something-old man who is out taking photos and he wonders where we're from
and says he saw us earlier, when we were lost on the wrong side of the river.
- So you're hiking, he says.
- Er, not really, says Nicki. We weren't prepared for this.
- Ha, ha, I know she wasn't, he says, higly amused and looks down on my metallic Dorothy Perkin's shoes.
He takes some photos of the stupid tourists before we head back to the pub where Nicki parked the car. The pub is about 300 years old and apparently Rob Roy used to eat here. Explains the large collection of postcards saying: "If it was good enough for Rob Roy..."
You can stay over night at the pub, and a friendly, kilt-wearing guy takes us upsatirs to show us the Deluxe-suite. It's the scariest thing I've ever seen, with heavy, dark furniture and tartans from head to toe. And in the middle of it all: a huge jacuzzi.
- This place looks haunted, says Nicki.
- Oh, this one isn't, says the kilt-wearing guy. The room above it is.
As we head out in the corridor he points out a family picture from the 1800-century and presents them as The haunted family.
After a big pubmeal we depart out to the car and a guy in his sixties, strolling around with his wife greets us.
- Hello, how are you ladies doing this lovely day?
- Not to bad, and yourself, says Nicki.
- Enjoying the view, enjoying the view.
- You like the view?
- Aye, the view I'm looking at now, I like!, he says before his wife starts giggling and pulls him away.
Day 3
Rach gets to do what she desires most in the world: getting a toured visit of the Celtic Stadium. Meanwhile, Nicki and I stroll around Glagow, indulging in some Urban Outfitter's shopping.
Later in the afternoon, Rach leaves for Edinburgh, to visit her friend Rory. Nicki and I start the evening in a restaurant, where the friendly waitress treats us with Amaretto and cholcolate after dinner and sits down, chatting while having an espresso. I get the impression that she knows Nicki very well, but apparently they've only met twice before when Nicki' s been there eating.
We continue the night at Guru, a nearby nightclub where they serve drinks in plastic mugs and some of the people seem to be my brother's age. I start chatting with the nicest-looking guy I've seen since I left Gothenburg (there's Annecy for you: pretty landscape, not so pretty people) while Nicki stands in the bar, being wonderfully bitchy to every guy who steps up, offering her a drink. Later, she shares some of the higlights from the conversation:
Random guy: Hey, can I get you a drink?
Nicki: No, I have one.
Random guy: So why don't you have another one?
Nicki: Okay, I think you've mistaken me for someone who's easy.
(Turns around)
Random guy: I want to kiss you now, but I think I probably shouldn't.
Nicki: I think you're completely right.
Random guy: So what do you want from me?
Nicki: What do I want from you? I want you to fuck off. So why don't you take a walk, loose a couple of pounds, age another 10 years and then we can talk.
Meet my friend Nicki.
Day 4
Okay, you're probably tired of reading by now, so I'll just skip through the day and go straight to the night, when Rach and I jump between six different bars and finally end up in Guru, for some reason. As you can imagine, I was quite merry. After bluffing us into one of the bars,
(Me: Hey, we know Ewan who's working here tonight.
Bouncer: Are you on the list?
Me: Yeah, It's Anna+1. We were more people from the beginning, but we kinda dropped of, so it's just the two of us now.
Bouncer: Ok. this way, have good night!
Me: Cheers, mate!), I molest the security guy at Guru (if by molesting you mean picking up the cushion from a sofa, carriyng it to the bar to demonstrate that it's loose, then as security guy approuches you, telling him that you did it because you were bored and then asking him what would happen if I took his headband and ran. Apparently, I would get thrown out).
The returning day
Wake up, still drunk 5 hours later and within 2 more hours, find myself sitting on the plane back with Rach, next to a group of loud, scottish/ indian guys, going to Amsterdam for a bachelor party. But they're not yet drunk, says the guy sitting next to us, kindly offering chewing gum before the whole group bursts out singing.
Yeah right.
Okay, you're probably tired of reading by now, so I'll just skip through the day and go straight to the night, when Rach and I jump between six different bars and finally end up in Guru, for some reason. As you can imagine, I was quite merry. After bluffing us into one of the bars,
(Me: Hey, we know Ewan who's working here tonight.
Bouncer: Are you on the list?
Me: Yeah, It's Anna+1. We were more people from the beginning, but we kinda dropped of, so it's just the two of us now.
Bouncer: Ok. this way, have good night!
Me: Cheers, mate!), I molest the security guy at Guru (if by molesting you mean picking up the cushion from a sofa, carriyng it to the bar to demonstrate that it's loose, then as security guy approuches you, telling him that you did it because you were bored and then asking him what would happen if I took his headband and ran. Apparently, I would get thrown out).
The returning day
Wake up, still drunk 5 hours later and within 2 more hours, find myself sitting on the plane back with Rach, next to a group of loud, scottish/ indian guys, going to Amsterdam for a bachelor party. But they're not yet drunk, says the guy sitting next to us, kindly offering chewing gum before the whole group bursts out singing.
Yeah right.
The end